Altroz diesel vs Altroz petrol savings Comparision
ownership Cost Analysis
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tata altroz petrol vs tata altroz diesel
Tata Altroz Petrol
On Road Cost : Rs 690,000
Price of Petrol: Rs 100
Average/Mileage in Km/pl: 15
Cost/Km: Rs 6.67
Tata Altroz Diesel
On Road Cost : Rs 840,000
Price of Diesel: Rs 100
Average/Mileage in km/pl: 20
Cost/Km: Rs 5.00
Cost of ownership
Altroz Petrol
Altroz Diesel
Initial Price Difference : Rs 150,000
Break Even: 89820 km
(Kms to recover extra investment on electric motorcycle)
Minimum Kms/day: 49.22
(Calculated for 4 year period)
The government has removed subsidy on Diesel. But it hasn’t removed extra tax on diesel vehicles.
This has made diesel vehicles less economical for normal day-to-day use.
Diesel vehicles may be economical for people who have high daily usage.
Min/Kms per day for breakeven is quite high.
Light Use
After 5 years
50 km/day
Total Kms: 91,250 kms
Petrol Cost for Altroz:Rs 608,637
Diesel Cost for Altroz:Rs 456,250
Rs 2,387
Moderate Use
After 5 years
60 km/day
Total Kms: 109,500 kms
Petrol Cost for Altroz:Rs 730,365
Diesel Cost for Altroz:Rs 547,500
Rs 32865
Heavy Use
After 5 years
70 km/day
Total Kms:127,750 kms
Petrol Cost for Altroz:Rs 852,092
Diesel Cost for Altroz:Rs 638,750