Wagon r CNG vs wagon r petrol comparision
ownership Cost Analysis
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Wagon R Petrol Vs Wagon R CNG
Wagon R petrol
On Road Cost : Rs 560,000
Price of Petrol: Rs 100
Average/Mileage in Km/pl: 15
Cost/Km: Rs 6.67
Wagon r CNG
On Road Cost : Rs 640,000
Price of CNG: Rs 45
Average/Mileage in Km/kg: 25
Cost/Km: Rs 1.80
Cost of ownership
Wagon R Petrol
Wagon R CNG
Initial Price Difference : Rs 80,000
Break Even:RS 16,427.10 km
(Kms to recover extra investment on CNG car)
Minimum Kms/day: 9
(Calculated for 5 year period)
Maruti Suzuki Wagon R is one of the highest selling cars in India. It is one of the few models which comes with a factory-fitted CNG model. The company brands it at S-CNG.
CNG is available in major urban centers. You can save a lot of money by going for the CNG variant.
If you are a commercial taxi operator or have high daily usage of a vehicle, CNG can save you a lot of money in the long run.
Light Use
After 5 years
25 km/day
Total Kms: 45,625.00 kms
Petrol Cost for Wagon R:Rs 304,318
CNG Cost for Wagon R :Rs 81,125
Rs 142,193
Moderate Use
After 5 years
35 km/day
Total Kms: 63,875.00 kms
Petrol Cost for Wagon R:Rs 426,046
CNG Cost for Wagon R :Rs 114,975
Rs 231,071
Heavy Use
After 5 years
45 km/day
Total Kms:82,125.00 kms
Petrol Cost for Splendor:Rs 547,773
CNG Cost for Wagon R:Rs 147,825